Monday, November 23, 2015

Dear students,
For those of you who don't have a Facebook account and can't join our group, I'll post here the Study guides for the English exam, Term 1, for both classes -Y4/Y5
If you have any unclear points, or if you want me to revise something that you didn't understand, please let me know.
Study well! Good luck!

Study Guide –English Term Exam
Year 4
 Units 1-2-3
1.  Spelling and Vocabulary
-Spelling Lists 1-2-3
-Vocabulary words from Units 1-2-3 (Word Cloud and Glossary)

2.  Grammar
-Alphabetical order
-Adverbs ending in -ly
-Verbs and Tenses
-Present Tense vs. Past Tense
-Regular and Irregular verbs
-Punctuation marks (full stop, exclamation mark, question mark, commas)
-Prefixes and Suffixes
3.  Writing
-Writing a Historical Fiction
-Writing a Non-chronological report
-Writing a Play Script

4.  Reading Comprehension (fiction and non-fiction texts)- unseen

Study Guide –English Term Exam
Year 5
       Units 1-2-3
1.     Spelling and Vocabulary
-Spelling Lists 1-2-3
-Vocabulary Words Units 1-2-3 (Word Cloud and Glossary)

2.    Grammar
-Punctuation marks (Full stop, question mark, exclamation mark, commas)
-Suffixes and Prefixes
-Simple, Compound, and Complex sentences
-Coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
-Personal Pronouns
-Direct Speech- introduction
-Adverbs ending in –ly
-Similes and Metaphors
-Subordinating conjunctions (connectives)

3.    Writing
–Writing a personal narrative (autobiography)
-Writing a personal recount of a festival
-Writing and adventure/ sea narrative story

4.    Reading Comprehension (fiction, non-fiction, and poetry) - unseen

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